Winnie-the-Pooh Back Up for Beta-Testing

by NJB // // Broomfield, CO

© 2023 Nantucket E-Books LLC

CC-BY-SA 4.0

I have re-uploaded Winnie-the-Pooh to this site as part of beta-testing for Version 3.0 of the software. You can read Winnie the Pooh here.

There are two features I’d like to highlight:

First, all 115 images in Winnie-the-Pooh have alt text. In my year on Mastodon, I have learned that alt text on images is not only a nice thing to have, but a vitual necessity for many. I have tried to include alt text whenever I post images to Mastodon or Twitter, though my record is far from perfect.

It’s easy to add alt text to images in Nantucket E-Books: the three kinds of images: cover images (¿COVERMG), illustrations (¿ILLO), and “plain” images (¿IMG), all support an “:alt” attribute, which will add an “alt” attribute to the element in the rendered HTML.

Second, E.H. Shepard’s illustrations for Winnie-the-Pooh are all monochrome, for the most part, and I have tried to take advantage of that. I have edited all the images to use transparent backgrounds. In normal mode, that means the images really meld into the seashell backgrunds of the e-books. In dark mode, the images invert, giving readers white drawings on an off-dark background. With Nantucket E-Books™, PNG images can be integrated into the e-books on a deep level, they really feel like they are part of the e-book.

What do you think? If you’re a proponent of alt text, I would like to know how I can write better alt text. If you have criticisms, this beta-testing period is the ideal time for me to take my licks.

Send your comments to, and I’ll include them on this page.

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