Updates, 2024-01-07
A few updates for tonight:
* The site’s main stylesheet (readable.css from Amin Hollon) has been updated to Version 1.1.0.
* The logo in the site header (Otto the Nantucket Whale) is now a PNG image, instead of true ASCII art text. This will make the site look a tad cleaner on text-based browsers. The logo will be 100% consistent between pages, too.
I chose an ASCII art logo for its “old-school” vibe. I try to keep the site very simple, because simple software projects can run faster, be maintained for less time and money, and are less likely to break for the customer.
The whale’s name is Otto, named for Otto Respighi, composer of Pines of Rome. Disney fans may remember the Pines of Rome sequence in Fantasia 2000, with its flying humpback whales.
* The blog-parser has been updated. The title of the blog post will now appear in the web page’s ‘title’ tag, and the post’s description will appear in the page’s meta-description tag. Quite a concept, I know. Also, the full text of a blog post can now be read within the RSS feed.
I was surprised how easy it was to include the blog ‘content’ in RSS. First, I had to update the line-break elements to meet XML standards. Second, I had to replace all angle brackets and ampersands with the HTML character codes. Last, I had to cut off the HTML related to the comments section of the blog post.
While I put a fair bit of time into a good-looking, mobile-responsive site, some people just want everything in their RSS feed. Well, there it is, I guess. This is part of my plan to see if this blog script can work for a larger blog platform.
That’s my work for tonight. Let me know what you think, send me a comment at njb@nantucketebooks.com.
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