Updates for 2024-01-31
Atom is a web-syndication protocol, like RSS. If you like getting your blog posts in a feed-reader, and prefer Atom, you may subscribe with this URL: nantucketebooks.com/atom.xml.
Since this blog’s static-site generator already produces an RSS file, having it produce an extra Atom file is not too much trouble. The biggest difference between RSS and Atom is that Atom makes you get specific about content types. Atom wants to know if the content is plain-text, HTML (requiring escaped angle brackets), or the super-strict XHTML. XHTML is not flexible, it wants the HTML tags nested just so.
I’ve settled on HTML, since that’s what I use to deliver the full content of my blog posts to via RSS.
I do see the appeal of these readers. It’s a simpler internet, certainly beats contending with algorithms on other sites one could mention.
I have set up a Liberapay for my personal writing: liberapay.com/ndhfilms. I plan to transition over to Liberapay for all my crowdfunding within the next one to two months.
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Do you use RSS or Atom? What about about a JSON feed? If so, email me a comment and I’ll add it to this post.
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