A New AI Story
Back in March, I wrote a blog post about two story ideas I would pay for. One was a short story based on Steamboat Willie, the other was a short story about AI.
I am pleased to say the AI short story challenge is over. I have received a superb submission from a writer who has been published here before.
I asked for a story that would explore problems with AI today, not problems in the future. No robot uprisings was my firm rule. While their story is science-fiction, the problems brought up in this story are very much problems we are dealing with right now. Like a good William Gibson novel, it’s modern trends pushed just the teensiest bit into the fantastic. That makes the story all the more scary.
Earlier this year, I took a job that ended up becoming a nightmare gallery of workplace misery and humiliation. Kooky-brained rat bastards, the lot o’em. When I close my eyes I can see their rodentia sharp teeth glittering in the darkness. One of the very first red flags at this job was when my boss, about my age, with a newly-minted master’s degree, told me they ran all their emails and other correspondence through ChatGPT. I was asked what I thought about that. I told them that when it came to my own emails, I was a writer, and I’d worked too hard on my writing to let a machine do it for me.
This new short story about AI is like a railroad station map on the express train to Hell. It will be part of a new short story collection focused on the exciting new writers using Nantucket E-Books. I will be thrilled to share it with you all next year.
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